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Women's History Month 2021

As we continue to celebrate and appreciate Women's History Month 2021, we want to take a few moments to highlight and recognize some of the women "past" and "present", who have ascended to positions of leadership within our Campus Public Safety Departments, as well as the many other women who are the foundational pillars that work every day to keep our students, faculty, staff, and visitors SAFE at the nations HBCU's.


Chief Joycelyn Johnson

In honor of Women's Month, this month will be featuring some of our current and former female HBCU Chief Executive Law Enforcement Officials. This week the National Organization of Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) also featured our very own Chief Debra Williams on their Twitter feed.


Chief Debra Williams

In honor of Women's Month, this month will be featuring some of our current and former female HBCU Chief Executive Law Enforcement Officials. This week the National Organization of Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) also featured our very own Chief Debra Williams on their Twitter feed.


Former Director Anita Phillips

Former Campus Public Safety Director Anita Phillips served as Campus Safety & Compliance Director for LeMoyne-Owen College, in Memphis Tennessee from 2001-2015. She subsequently served as the Chief of Security for Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas from 2015-2016.

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